Rates & Payment |
Now you can make a payment online to Makai NY with Paypal It's easy, fast and secure. |
Basic Hourly Rates $30
Minimum three hours of cleaning per services.
For complete cleaning jobs (full house, office), there are flat rate prices available, depending on specifics (time, people, etc.). We have daily, weekly and monthly packages available at the same price. Please contact us for details!
Remember: A clean house is a happy house! |
Makai NY offers special discount coupons to our customers. If interested, contact our sales representatives to obtain these special prices.
- $10 off first cleaning service!
- Buy 9 services; get the 10th service free!
- Five percent off first cleaning service!
- Refer three customers to us, and we will clean your house for free!
- Dont Forget we now have Gift Certificates for your friends & family.
The Green Cleaning is the buzzword among the maintenance community.. |
If you're on a search for the very best housekeeping and cleaning services in the New York City area.. |